Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2010, Corporal Steven Thomas Dunn, 216 (Parachute) Signal Squadron, attached to 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment Battle Group, was killed in Afghanistan. He had been on an operation in the Bowri desert when the Jackal vehicle in which he was travelling hit an IED.
Corporal Dunn had joined the army in 2000, then served with 216 (Parachute) Signal Squadron as a Communications System Operator. He had served in Iraq, and twice before in Afghanistan. Injured during training, he was determined to let nothing keep him from his goal of fulfilling his ambition of achieving his wings; an extremely fit man, he was known to thrive on adrenaline and on the tough nature of his job. Colleagues remember him as being selfless, loyal, dedicated, quick-witted, and well-loved.
Major Alistair Fawcett said: “Corporal Steven Dunn died doing a job he loved. 216 (Parachute) Signal Squadron was a richer place for his presence…at every turn he strove to improve the lot of his men. He was always in the thick of it and his time in Afghanistan was no exception; with a spark in his eye and his devilish Geordie sense of humour, he tackled his work with a sense of purpose and in the pursuit of making a difference - a good man to share a beer with and an excellent barometer of unit life. He will be sorely missed and he leaves a void that will be extremely challenging to fill. He was not the timid type or one to shy away from the challenges that our profession presents. We have lost a gifted soldier and a son of the Squadron and, although this loss cuts extremely deep, we remember him with the utmost fondness, as the courageous and professional signaller he was. Certa Cito.”
Steven, from Gateshead, was 27 years old and married with a daughter.