The Moral, Moderate Majority
Give a voice to the quiet, the studious and the decent people of the UK.
The majority of people in the United Kingdom are members of the moral, moderate majority (MMM). There are more decent people in the world than indecent. I am a member of this majority.
The problem with being MMM is that we believe in reason, consideration and decency. I don’t want to stand on a street corner screaming abuse at people and I don’t believe in castigating every leader in our country who doesn’t do what I want. I believe that this MMM is full of people of all backgrounds – rich, poor, working class, religious, atheist and so on.
The problem of being an MMM is that we are not interesting to the media, we don’t advocate radical change. We don’t divide people by their ethnic origins or their religion we don’t blame everyone else for our failings. We appreciate the relative peace and prosperity that our nation has achieved since WW2. We know that things aren’t perfect and that there is more work to be done but that work does not begin with identifying criminals by their colour or religion. A criminal is a criminal is a criminal, not a Pakistani criminal, not a Scottish criminal not a Christian criminal just a criminal. We do not blame a whole ethnic group for the crimes of a few wicked individuals.
The MMMs have a huge problem, the press love extremists, they love to make reports about neo-nazis, racists, violence and disaster. I am fed up of seeing pictures of skinheads with hate tattoos or extremists carrying placards saying ‘kill infidels’. This plays with the emotions of the people, it helps to generate fear, hatred and division. The reasonable voice of the majority is drowned out by the desire to sell newspapers and to raise viewing figures. The majority of the population goes unheard.
I see hatemongers and racists in the news every week being promoted by the very people who should fear them. These extremists will be the first people to destroy the free press, the first to discriminate and the last to listen to reason. Putting an eloquent and well-dressed racist up as the representative of a political group is akin to polishing sandpaper. I call on our media to give a voice to the quiet, the studious and the decent people of the UK.
The moderate, moral majority is made up of people who care about others, who want to share the prosperity of our country, who give to charity, who work hard and support their families and those who teach their children the difference between right and wrong.
Any political party that hopes to obtain power in the UK must become the voice of the Moderate, Moral Majority not the voice of hatred and division.
The voice of reason is a quiet voice, a reasonable voice, a voice that encourages discussion. The Veterans’ and People’s Party is such a voice. If you see yourself as a member of the Moderate, Moral Majority and you want to be heard then read our manifesto, join our party and together let’s silence those who think that populism, racism and hatred is the way forward.
The Veteran’s
and People’s Party the voice of the Moderate Moral Majority.
Robin Horsfall.