Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 1974, Fusilier Anthony Simmons, 1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, died in Northern Ireland.
He and two other soldiers were in Fountain Street in Strabane, Co. Tyrone, when they were fired on by a sniper hiding in a derelict house. It was dark and the sniper had waited to fire until a passing car’s headlights made the soldiers more visible. They returned fire but the sniper escaped and his identity was never discovered. Fusilier Simmons had been shot in the head and died on the way to Altnagelvin Hospital. He is buried in All Saints’ (Stand) Church, Whitefield, Greater Manchester.
His comrade, Paul Reay, said: “I served with Tony in Ulster. Anthony was a very loyal and brave soldier, it was a privilege and honour to know him. He was a young soldier of 19 yrs when God called him to be by his side. On behalf of the regiment and the fine comrades who served with Anthony. I say thank you Anthony for your Courage, your smiles and friendship. God bless you.”
Anthony, from Whitefield, Manchester, was 19 years old.