Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 1915, Private Percy Arthur Lawrence, 1/4th Battalion, the Northamptonshire Regiment, was killed at Gallipoli.
On the day of his death his battalion was serving as the garrison of Hill 60 on the Suvla landing battlefront. They suffered heavy bombardment and rifle fire the previous day, but the 4th was a quiet day until a sniper began firing, killing two soldiers outright. Private Lawrence was hit by a ricocheting bullet, taken to the field hospital but sadly he could not be saved.
The shooting was witnessed by a friend of his who survived the war and was thus able to provide Private Lawrence’s family with accurate information on his death. He is buried in the 7th Field Ambulance Cemetery at Gallipoli.
Percy, from Finedon in Northamptonshire, was 19 years old.