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Private Christopher Gordon Rayment, 1st Battalion, the Princess of Wales’ Royal Regiment

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2004, Private Christopher Gordon Rayment, 1st Battalion, the Princess of Wales’ Royal Regiment, died in a tragic accident at Al Amarah, Iraq.

A security barrier fell on him while he was manning a checkpoint - he had been in Iraq for over five months, and was due to go home in ten days’ time. He had previously served in Kosovo as well as Iraq. A family friend described him as a little rascal who grew up to be a fantastic young man.

Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Maer said: “Private Christopher “Ray” Rayment enriched the lives of all around him with his irrepressible vigour, boisterous humour and his infectious optimism. Ray had the inability to see anything but good in any situation and would find an excuse to laugh, at often the most inappropriate times. He was immensely popular amongst all ranks of my Battalion and his presence was normally obvious before he was even seen. He was also a tremendously committed and zealous soldier, who had shown considerable courage, self-discipline and the highest standards of professionalism over an exceptionally testing and hazardous period, whilst deployed on operations in southern Iraq. The loss of Ray has left a void amongst his friends and comrades in my Battalion and our thoughts are with his family and loved ones, whom he has left behind.”

Christopher, from London, was 22 years old.

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