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  • Christina Drummond

Private Peter Joe Cowton, 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2008, Private Peter Joe Cowton, 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, was killed in Afghanistan. He had been on a routine patrol that morning which came under attack, he was seriously wounded and despite the valiant efforts of the medical response team, he succumbed to his injuries

In 2004, Private Cowton joined The Royal Rifle Volunteers, served on two tours of Iraq, and then he enlisted as a regular soldier in 2007. He deployed to Afghanistan in March of 2008. He has been described by colleagues as vibrant and much-loved, bright and astute, trustworthy and professional.

Lieutenant Colonel Joe O’Sullivan said: “This morning Pte Cowton was seriously wounded by an explosive device. He was treated on the ground by company medics and the company’s doctor, but he died before he could be evacuated by helicopter. Pte Cowton was an experienced soldier and 9 Platoon’s lead scout. He had served in Iraq as a reservist before joining 2 PARA last year and had already spent three months on operations against the Taliban. He is the seventh member of the Battalion, and the tenth member of 2 PARA Battle Group be killed this summer. The cost is high and painful to Pte Cowton’s friends but most of all to his family, who had expected him home for a short R&R break in a few days time. Pte Cowton, like those we already mourn, was a remarkable man because he knew, as every member of the Battle Group knows, what he was risking and yet he chose to face a dangerous enemy in a harsh environment and to do so every day for his friends, his regiment and his country. We will remember him, and will continue to build on the progress he was prepared to give his life to achieve. Utrinque Paratus.”

Peter, from Basingstoke, was 25 years old.

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