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Fusilier Jonathan Burgess, 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2010, Fusilier Jonathan Burgess, 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, died as a result of gunshot wounds following a small arms engagement in the Nad ‘Ali area of Helmand province.

Before joining the army he had studied catering and worked in a restaurant. In 2008 he joined 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh, on completion of the Combat Infantryman’s Course. at the Infantry Training Centre Catterick, he joined 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh in May of 2008, and served in Cyprus.

Lieutenant Colonel Nick Lock said: “Fusilier Jon Burgess was the epitome of a Welsh infantry soldier; fiercely proud of being a Royal Welshman and of the job that he was doing in Afghanistan. A real character in both his platoon and company he could always be relied upon to lift the spirits of his mates. He had already shown himself to be a natural leader, stepping up to command when required; he was marked out for early promotion. He had come into his own in Afghanistan, growing in confidence throughout our time here, rising to the many challenges that operations threw at him. He was a tough and dependable field soldier who would always be there for his mates. Jon had been working with his multiple in the Showal area since the start of Operation Moshtarak. Jon was killed in a firefight with insurgents, fighting alongside his comrades as he always did with a cool head and immense courage.”

Jonathan, from Swansea, was 20 years old, and due to go home on leave the following month to be present at the birth of his baby daughter.

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