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Sapper Adam Moralee, 32 Engineer Regiment

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2014, Sapper Adam Moralee, from 32 Engineer Regiment, died due to a tragic accident at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, as he was preparing engineer plant equipment for redeployment out of theatre. Two soldiers were originally charged with manslaughter, but the charge was reduced to one of neglect of duty to which they both admitted. One was jailed for nine months following a court martial hearing, and the second was discharged from the army suffering from severe PTSD.

Sapper Moralee had joined the Royal Engineers right after leaving school at the age of seventeen, and trained as an armoured engineer. He deployed to Afghanistan for the first time in 2011, where he crewed a Trojan armoured vehicle clearing legacy minefields and IEDs. Two years later he passed his PNCO cadre and returned to Afghanistan, working as a combat engineer, part of his work being to give protection in the forward bases, and to close them as part of Task Force Helmand’s lift-off. He was about to be promoted to Lance-Corporal. Sapper Moralee’s family said that he was full of life, always the joker, and that he loved his job and would not have swapped it for anything.

Lieutenant-Colonel Steve Davies RE said of him: "Quietly determined and utterly dedicated, Sapper Adam Moralee was an outstanding soldier. An armoured engineer through and through, he had proved himself on the IED-riddled deserts of Afghanistan, clearing safe lanes in his beloved TROJAN - toiling hard in both heat and snow to ensure that the force was protected from the elements and the enemy threat, and then working in support of the redeployment effort. His dry wit and his commitment to the team, be it on operations or the football field, have made him a well known, trusted member of his troop, his Squadron and the Regiment. Passing his PNCO cadre prior to deployment, Sapper Moralee was ready to be a junior commander and his huge potential really shone through. A role model to all, I have no doubt he would have risen high in the ranks.”

Adam. from Newcastle, was 23 years old and engaged to be married.

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