Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2008, Corporal Damian Mulvihill of 40 Commando Royal Marines died in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He had been taking part in a joint ISAF/ANA patrol engaged in operations near Sangin; leading from the front while conducting a clearance patrol, and was killed instantly when an IED was detonated.
Corporal Mulvihill is described as a giant of a man, known to some as "The Bear" but although he could look fearsome he was cheerful, friendly and much-liked. He had joined the Royal Marines in 1998, and served in Sierra Leone and Northern Ireland. A charismatic man with an irrepressible sense of humour, he is remembered as always having a smile no matter what he was facing. Easy-going and professional, he was known as the one to always “get things sorted.”
Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Birrell said: "The loss of Corporal Mulvihill is a devastating blow. An outstanding junior leader, he was immensely popular. As a marine, he epitomised the Commando spirit. A courageous and selfless comrade, his cheerfulness in adversity could be guaranteed, and he always demonstrated the highest standards of professional competence in everything that he undertook. Corporal Mulvihill played a full and distinguished part in all operations, leading his section of men fearlessly on countless patrols and engagements. He knew and accepted the risks associated and took tremendous pride in the achievements of the men he commanded. He was a larger-than-life individual, with a personality to match, and his fellow marines took great comfort from his mere presence. As a friend he was loyal and trusted, as a comrade he was admired and emulated; a man of considerable ability, he will be sadly missed."
Damian, from Plymouth, was 32 years old and engaged to be married.