Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2010 Corporal Johnathan Moore and Private Sean McDonald (The Royal Scots Borderers, 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland, part of the 3 RIFLES Battle Group) died as a result of an explosion near Sangin, in Helmand province.
Corporal Moore had enlisted in the army in 2004, and served two tours in Iraq. On the night of his death he was commanding his section on a routine night patrol to the south of the company base. He is remembered as determined, committed, and a leader of the rarest quality.
Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Herbert said: “Corporal Moore was the type of NCO that every Commanding Officer wants in his battalion, and I am privileged to have had the honour to work with him. He had all the attributes of the perfect Scottish warrior; bold, charismatic, tough as nails, utterly professional and a born leader of men. He was destined for the top; best student on his NCO course in 2007, and a star of his Corporals course in 2008. As the Regimental Sergeant Major said, ‘Corporal Moore personified everything there is about being a soldier’. I can think of no more fitting tribute to him. Corporal John Moore was perfectly suited to this unique profession of ours, and like so many of his peers he looked upon it not as a straightforward job, but as a true vocation. He played a pivotal role during the battalion’s tour in Iraq in 2008, and relished the opportunity of an operational deployment to Afghanistan. I have lost one of my most gifted young commanders.” Johnathan, from Bellshill in Lanarkshire, was 23 years old.
Private McDonald enlisted in the army at the age of sixteen. He served in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, and on three tours of Iraq. He is remembered as loyal, committed and intelligent; he was considering gaining a degree in psychology, a field in which he felt he could build a future career. Major Graeme Wearmouth said: “Private McDonald was a unique character. He brought a calm, measured approach to the dangers of patrolling in Afghanistan and it was typical that he fell while at the front of his section, leading them as he cleared a path through hostile territory. I enjoyed his enquiring and bright mind - he could always be relied upon for an incisive observation. Once his feet touched the plains of Afghanistan he was focused and showed immense, single-minded resolve. He was simply a very good soldier and proved his worth under fire on a number of occasions. After one incident, when he was mildly injured, he shrugged it off and cracked on with true Jock spirit. Go well. Nemo me impune lacessit.” Sean, from Edinburgh, was 27 years old and married.