Robin Horsfall will be speaking at the Don Memorial Bar Stockton on Tees 24th March 2018.
A poem for paratroopers.
Loki’s Jest
Cruel Loki’s jest was Freyja’s pain
She cast him out on Folkvangr
Born with bastards curse was lain
No father, brother would he shield.
Smote he against all friendly word
And render all about him blighted
To be alone in world of hurt
All love of gods and men he slighted
Sad Odin launched his Valkyrie
To raise a man whose eyes might see
They soared across the thunderous sky
Skellee, skelleee, skelleeee, skreeeee!
They burned his soul and shaped his bones
Beat his sinews rent his hide
Cast his heart with heated stones
Taught him winged horse to ride
When Thor did call his warriors forth
With hammer raised to strike his foe
And ride across the rainbow bridge
With beating drums their hate to sow
Was Loki’s son no longer jest
Remembered Freyja’s hate and pain
At Thor’s right hand did prove the best
And Odin’s foes did all lay slain.
© Robin Horsfall 2018