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  • Christina Drummond

Signaller Ian Sartorius-Jones, 20th Armoured Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron (200)

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2012, Signaller Ian Sartorius-Jones, from 20th Armoured Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron (200), died by his own hand in Afghanistan. He was at Forward Operating Base Khar Nikah in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province when he called his wife, telling her he was contemplating suicide, then he shot himself in the head. The coroner recorded a verdict of taking his own life while the balance of his mind was disturbed.

Signaller Sartorius-Jones joined the army in 2007, and the following year served in Iraq. While there he was involved in the provision of communications and the closure of Contingency Operating Base Basra, as well as with one of the Military Transition Teams providing communications and mentoring to the Iraqi forces. He is remembered as outgoing, charismatic, dedicated and well-liked.

Major Stu Whittley spoke of him: "Signaller Sartorius-Jones was a gregarious, immensely respected and highly capable signaller. That he was one of the first volunteers to extend his time with the squadron to deploy on Operation HERRICK 15 was little surprise to those who knew him. I will remember him for his dedication to his mates, upbeat nature and cutting sense of humour. As a senior signaller he took his role of mentoring and developing those around him seriously, especially in the build-up to and deployment on operations. It is a mark of the man that he rarely took the credit for or acknowledged these actions, it was simply what he did. The squadron is deeply moved by Signaller Sartorius-Jones’ passing. It is a privilege to have served with him and we have lost a true friend."

Ian, from Runcorn in Cheshire, was 21 years old and left behind his wife and baby son.

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