Former SAS operator Phil Campion is expected to address 'tens of thousands' of football fans in London next weekend

Tens of thousands of football fans are descending upon London next weekend to take part in a protest march against extremism.
The Football Lads Alliance (FLA) will see football fans from all over the country travel to the capital on Saturday, October 7 for what they say is a match against “all forms of extremism”.
The FLA formed in June in the wake of terrorist attacks in Manchester and London and is gaining a sizeable following, now boasting a membership of over 70,000. The group pride themselves on being a new movement that unites the football family against extremism.
FLA founder John Meighan said: "Politically, we’re not left, we’re not right, we’re centre middle and representing everyone against all forms of extremism. Our aim is to counteract what’s happening on our streets, to raise the profile of that to the Government, to say we’ve had enough"
Ex SAS man Phil Campion who is also Sky News presenter and best selling author is expected to address crowds at the rally, Also the 'Veterans Against Terrorism' group have published an article stating that 'FLA and Veterans will march as one'

Phil Campion lead the Veterans Against Terrorism protest in London on 5th August 2017
In a recent press release the FLA have stated the following:
'The FLA is comprised of football fans and their families of all ages from all of the UK football clubs with many others from Europe. The FLA was formed to combat extremism of all types after the London, Paris and Manchester attacks.
The first march took place from St Pauls to London Bridge on the 24th June 2017 where around 10,000 football fans from many different clubs walked together for the first time ever as a peaceful protest against all extremism.
The FLA is non-political, and the founder John Meighan says “the FLA aims to raise key issues about extremism and terrorist attacks. Law abiding people here and in Europe have had enough and we needed a way to show that extremism is a threat to our society and is only getting worse.”
The movement is inclusive of people of all faiths and colour, is not racist and does not discriminate in any way shape or form.
John Meighan started to FLA in response to the attacks on London Bridge on 3rd June 2017.
Mr Meighan goes on to say “the FLA are currently in dialogue with multiple charities and are looking to partner up with donations to these charities from any proceeds raised. If you share our views and want to make the world a safer place for our children and grandchildren, then please join us and march in peace on the 7th October 2017.”
Another FLA spokesman explains “It is extremely unusual that UK Football Fans agree with each other as they are intense rivals at the games – however the threat of extremism has created this passionate group who will march together to protect their loved ones.”
The second FLA march will take place on the 7th October 2017 in London where more than 30,000 people are expected to take part.'