Veterans Against Terrorism headed up by Phil Campion will march in London this Saturday 5th August.

The group have been liaising with the police and authorities about the march that will stop at downing street with a petition addressed to Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP signed by thousands with calls to:
"Detain, defeat and destroy jihadist terror gangs in the UK"
It reads "Considering the current serious terror threat from Islamist terrorists, we the undersigned request the government take the following action, detain the 3000 terror suspects the security services tell us pose a risk to the people of this country, charge any returning or returned jihadists who have been fighting for ISIS with high treason."
"Investigate and arrest Islamist preachers who incite violence against ex Muslims and other minorities, close Islamist mosques that promote supremacist ideologies, give the security forces as much funding and man power as they need to deal with the terror threat."
We filmed the last event held by 'Veterans Against Terrorism' in Manchester on the 24/06/17 and we will be attending on Saturday. You can watch our footage from Manchester below:
See you on Saturday!