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  • Christina Drummond

Lance Corporal Michael Campbell, 3 Royal Welsh

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2015, Lance Corporal Michael Campbell, from 3 Royal Welsh, died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham from complications during surgery for an injury he received in Afghanistan in 2012. His multiple had been engaged by heavy and sustained enemy fire, during which he was struck by a single round to the hip. Lance Corporal Campbell engaged the enemy firing position and despite being wounded continued to suppress the enemy, drawing fire onto himself so that the remainder of the multiple could cross an open and exposed area to get to cover. After leaving hospital the first time, he spent time at Headley Court, the rehabilitation centre for injured service people, and initially had to use a wheelchair but fought back to walk again, despite needing to return to hospital for frequent operations. Major Dafydd Evans remembers him: "Reliable and professional are the two words that spring to mind when describing LCpl Cammy Campbell. Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, in a total of four tours, he was one of the most experienced soldiers under my Command. Cammy was the Signals Detachment Commander, he ran the Company Command Post, HIS Command Post, as he quite often reminded me! A larger than life character, Cammy always brought a smile to your face with his wit and cutting sarcasm and he was always on hand to pass on his experience to the new, and not so new, members of the Company. When I learnt that he had volunteered, yet again, to deploy on what would be his fourth tour, I told him that he had done enough already, his reply was “Well someone has to go and look after you, Boss”. That is what Cammy was truly about. He was committed to serving his country. He will be sorely missed." Michael, from Colwyn Bay, was 32 years old and married with four step-children.

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