Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2007, Corporal Christopher Read, of 158 Provost Company, 3rd Regiment Royal Military Police, died as a result of injuries sustained in Iraq. He had been injured by small arms fire whilst returning from a major operation to detain insurgents in Basra City. He was given immediate first aid, taken to the Field Hospital at the British base at Basra Air Station, but sadly died of his injuries later that night. Corporal Read, on his second tour of Iraq, was regarded as a rising star and was hugely popular. Major Jan Waring paid the following tribute: Corporal Chris Read was a truly dedicated and professional soldier. He had enormous talent - bright, boundless energy and enthusiasm, sincerity and compassion - he always had time for a smile and chat for everyone he met. Chris truly loved the Army life and was a keen soldier and policeman. He loved to be out on the ground, participating in the more demanding tasks and in the more dangerous situations. Chris would be calm, reassuring and focused on his role; he thrived on challenges and was developing into a very good junior leader. Chris was a modest young man, immensely loyal and uncomplicated. He took every day in his stride and saw everything as an opportunity. He was engaging, thoughtful, and had such a cheerful disposition that he would instantly make people smile. Chris was a much loved and deeply respected member of the Company. He had selfless commitment and was never happier than when he was helping his friends. He was a wonderful and inspiring young man who excelled in everything he did and lived by the Corps motto Exemplo Ducemus: ‘By Example We Lead’. Above all, he will always be remembered for having a constant smile on his face and a real love for life.” Christopher, originally from Poole in Dorset, was 22 years old.