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March Against Terrorism

Marion Rogers

This march was first organised by a group of working class football supporters just after the Manchester bombing that targeted and murdered children. It is a non-political march, and the Far Left and the Far Right are not welcome, this march is for the centre ground silent majority, to show their disgust at the targeting and murder of children. We are very pleased to say that various veteran groups will also be joining the march and we would encourage any veteran, whether individual or as part of a group, to join us on the day as we believe this will show the world solidarity with all. All races and all religions are welcome to march with us. Since Manchester there have been other terrorist atrocities, that resulted in a group called Football Lads Alliance and they have had a very successful march. This march is in no way to be conceived as a rival, or competition to that group. There will be football supporters from many clubs also attending this march, and to ensure that it goes off as peacefully as the FLA’s march, we are adopting a policy of no flags, and no colours other than military/veteran flags and one flag for each football club. There is also a strict policy of no chanting or drinking during the march.

The march will start at Speakers Corner (Hyde Park) and go down Park Lane then along Piccadilly, past Trafalgar Square, and down Whitehall; finishing at Richmond Terrace on the Embankment. We will be laying wreaths to remember all those that have lost their lives through acts of terror. It starts at 1pm, on July the 15th and we look forward to seeing as many people there as possible.

British Armed Forces 'The Best' Chairman Robert Grey will be speaking at the event alongside Timothy Scott (uk veterans 4 yazidis) And we have our cameraman covering the event on the day and conducting interviews.


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