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Lance Corporal Alan Brackenbury of The King's Royal Hussars

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2005, Lance Corporal Alan Brackenbury of The King's Royal Hussars was killed south of Al Amarah, Iraq. His patrol was attacked as it drove to a meeting with the Iraqi Border Police; he was in the first of three land-rovers in the patrol when it then struck an IED. Lance Corporal Brackenbury died instantly and four other soldiers were injured. He had joined the King's Royal Hussars at the age of 16 and was promoted to Lance Corporal at the age of 20 - his father remembers him as a child wanting nothing else but to join the army. Lieutenant Colonel Toby Bridge, commanding officer of the King's Royal Hussars, described his death as a desperate loss and a tragic blow and paid this tribute: "L.Cpl Brackenbury lived life to the full. He had a passion for racing, football and fishing. Above all we will remember his tremendous sense of humour, and fun, and his willingness to try something new. I was utterly delighted in March when he was promoted from Trooper at the early age of 20. He was definitely a man of the future. He was hugely popular and a real contributor to whatever he undertook. His death will be felt by all those who have been privileged to serve alongside him." Alan, from East Riding in Yorkshire, was 21 years old.

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