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Lance Corporal George Russell Davey, 1st Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment

Christina Drummond

Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2007, Lance Corporal George Russell Davey, 1st Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment, died as a result of a tragic firearms accident on the British base at Sangin in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. His gun went off while he was cleaning it, hitting him in the shoulder, but he suffered cardiac arrest and could not be saved. He had joined the army three years earlier, and had only been in Afghanistan for a few weeks. This tribute was paid on the government site: "George was a kind-hearted, loyal and selfless commander who worked tirelessly for the benefit of others. His quiet and unassuming demeanour helped him achieve impressive results. With the more junior soldiers in his Section, he had a maturity beyond his years. He sought little praise or recognition for his actions, preferring to get on with the job in hand with the minimum of fuss. The welfare of his men was always uppermost in his mind. In the face of the enemy, he displayed all the attributes of a first class soldier. On a recent mission in the Sangin Valley, under intense fire from the enemy, he was fearless in the support he provided to his Platoon Sergeant, as he attempted to suppress the enemy at close quarters. Lance Corporal Davey was a pillar of strength to all those around him and he was a proven combat soldier whose influence will be missed in the Company." George was 23 years old and married with two young daughters.

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