Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 1915, Captain Robert Gibson, 3rd Battalion (attached to 2nd Battalion as Adjutant), King's Own Scottish Borderers, was killed in action at Ypres during the Great War.
Son of a prominent school headmaster, he was educated at the High School of Glasgow, and in his final year was a prominent member of one of the most brilliant classes the High School has ever known, the members of which almost without exception have attained distinction in literature, science, medicine, or the public services. He obtained the Snell Exhibition at Balliol College, Oxford, after winning the highest honours at the University of Glasgow where he achieved an MA in 1908. He won prizes in Organic Chemistry and in Civil (or Roman) Law. Taking a First Class in Moderations and Greats in 1910 at Balliol, he was elected a Fellow and Tutor in his own college.
He had been a cadet at school, a member of the OTC at Glasgow University, passed all his military examinations, and then offered his services to the War Office. He was gazetted 2nd Lieutenant on the 15th of August 1914, promoted to Lieutenant in November of that year, to Captain in March of 1915 and Mentioned in Despatches. He was killed in an attack during the Second Battle of Ypres and the capture of Hill 60, and is remembered on the Menin Gate memorial at Ypres. Robert was 28 year old.