Remembering the Fallen: on this day in 2003, Lance Corporal James McCue of 7 Air Assault Battalion, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, was killed in Iraq. The coroner recorded an open verdict on his death. He was in his tent in Al Amarah writing a letter home when a shell landed just metres from him, causing mortal wounds. The coroner speculated that the shell may have been fired by local children playing on an abandoned tank. Lance Corporal McCue had joined the army four years earlier, and had served in Kosovo. In 2002 he joined 8 Close Support Company, 7 Air Assault Battalion, where he served as a vehicle mechanic within Forward Platoon. His C.O. said of him: "He had shown himself throughout to be highly competent both as a soldier and as a REME tradesman. He maintained the highest levels of physical fitness and, as a qualified Unit Physical Fitness Instructor, many within the unit have benefited from time spent under his instruction. He was a popular soldier who forged a large number of friendships within the unit. Lance Corporal McCue was a strong character who displayed a great sense of pride in everything he did, qualities that gained him the respect and admiration from all members of the unit. He was a credit to his Corps and will be sadly missed by all." James, from Paisley, was 27 years old.