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  • Christina Drummond

Lance Corporal Peter Sime, Kings Own Scottish Borderers (1972) Corporal Thomas Jeffrey, 1st Battalio

Remembering the Fallen: on this day two soldiers died in Northern Ireland, eleven years apart.

In 1972, Lance Corporal Peter Sime, Kings Own Scottish Borderers, was shot in Ballymurphy by a sniper as he came out of the joint army-police base to take a report of an incident. A bus travelling along the Springfield Road had come under attack, so the driver stopped at the base to report the attack; a few minutes into his discussion, Lance Corporal Sime was shot and died within minutes. His killer was never found. Peter, from Glasgow, was 22 years old and married with an eighteen-month-old son.

In 1983, Corporal Thomas Jeffrey, 1st Battalion, Devonshire and Dorset Regiment, died in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast of wounds received a week earlier. He had been leading a routine patrol on the Falls Road when a booby-trap bomb exploded, injuring him and three children who were nearby. A ten-hour operation was carried out on Corporal Jeffrey to remove a two-inch nail from his skull, but his life could not be saved. Thomas, from Plymouth, was 28 years old and married with two small children.

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