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UK Veterans 'One Voice' Manchester Demo

When we realised 'UK Veterans One Voice' were holding a static demonstration in Manchester, We contacted the Veterans group and arranged to do some short notice filming on the day.

We arrived in Manchester at 10am and found the procession in Piccadilly Gardens. We filmed and followed as they moved up Market Street, towards Manchester arndale.

Martyn Simpson [Director] gave us a warm welcome at the demo area, Another member handed me a document that outlined the groups aims and objectives, it read as follows:

"Between 10:00-14-00hr we will be holding a static demo , Arndale Centre, Market Street, Manchester (I have been informed we are undercover but I am not local to the area).

There is expected to be a large number of Veterans attending, This is to highlight what we believe are the injustices currently facing Veterans.

Those that served in Northern Ireland and carried out orders by the Government are now being hounded and prosecuted for taking part, the charges are being brought by those currently in power over the water, which are predominantly Sinn Fein.

We are also standing strong for Sgt Al Blackman who we know was suffering PTSD yet sent by the MOD into a war zone, a man that was not fit for duty.

We are raising awareness too on PTSD and the plight of homeless soldiers currently sleeping on our streets.

Also in attendance will be Lindsay Roberts who is currently pressing charges against the MOD as her husband was sent out with known PTSD and later killed in a mortar attack.

This is a peaceful, non political demo, we do not campaign against one Government as they all sent us there, we believe that potential new recruits to the Armed Forces would be put off for fear of being prosecuted if sent to war.

Remember our Servicemen and Women are volunteers, not conscripts - numbers have already declined, could this be because of these historic charges?

We at UK Veterans demonstrated throughout 2016 bringing to light the IHAT enquiries which have resulted in Phil Shiner being struck off and Leigh Day being investigated and facing court action.

We all took an oath to defend Queen and Country and we are now being prosecuted for this.

Thankyou for reading this, please visit our website

Regards, Martyn Simpson"

We produced this video to highlight the days event. Enjoy!

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